Liz and Lassie (Dogstar)

Throughout the 40s and 50s Lassie was top dog on film and also on television.  Lassie had many on screen owners throughout her career but  by far the sweetest was a very young Liz Taylor.  Finally it was understood that a girl could also have a dog for a best friend and the stories could be equally as heart warming.
Liz & Lass 4
Lassie was actually extremely well groomed at all times. Never a hair out of place. Perfect for Hollywood.
So beautiful was Liz and so elegant was Lassie? They made only two films together but this photogenic duo were perfectly suited to each other.  Pure breds through and through with kind hearts and brave spirits.  In their first film, ‘Lassie Come Home’ Liz played only a very small part but in their second both were given equal star billing. In this film ‘The Courage Of Lassie’ they become separated and Lassie is recruited into the army.  What a story this is.

Liz & Lass

A young girl finds a dog after it has been separated from it’s mother,swept down the rapids ,shot in the leg by a farmer and is in desperate need of care.  Lassie is soon healed with the love and kindness of her new owner  ( Liz ) but fate has other plans and Lassie runs into more trouble.  This time she is hit by a truck and taken by the driver to a vetenary hospital.  The young girl searches everywhere but cannot find her.
After two months in the animal hospital Lassie is adopted by the army and becomes a war dog. After performing on the battlefield and becoming shellshocked by enemy fire Lassie escapes and finds her way back.  She is , by this time, aggressive and hungry. To survive she starts killing live stock and is about to be put down despite the young girl’s pleas to save her.

Liz & Lassie

Eventually an army tattoo is discovered behind her ear and people come to understand what she’s been through.  It is decided that she is a hero and can indeed be rehabillitated.  If only that were possibe for all.  We all need some-one to believe in us and I think every one of us would move mountains to find our way back to the place where we know love waits. So much more than a story about a girl and a dog. It’s a story of hope, loyalty and perserverance.

Lassie & Liz 5

Never give up and be true to your heart

Oh and  go rescue  a dog.


Dallow S10168-49 That Lassie. Definitely a class Act. Alot like me actually.

Luv Lester.

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